Power bench test

Information on our bench

Autocarto Engineering Belgium is equipped with a Rotronics roller power bench for 2 or 4-wheel drive motor vehicles. 

The state-of-the-art technology of this bench allows very accurate measurements of the power and torque of each vehicle. This bench is equipped with an electric load brake located on the rear axle of the latter, thanks to the speed synchronization system, it acts on all the rollers. 

The Rotronic bench is equipped with a mechanical connection system that connects the rollers together. Thanks to this, all the wheels of the tested vehicle rotate at the same speed, whatever the technology of the car: 2 or 4-wheel drive, viscoupler, controlled differential, electronic driving assistance system (ESP),... 

The vehicle thus runs on the bench as it would on the road under normal conditions. The bench does not activate any safety system or degraded operating mode that would distort the measurement or make it impossible in some cases. 

But that's not all, the company also has all the necessary equipment for power measurement for motorcycles and trucks.

Our prices

  • 2-wheel drive vehicle: 75€ excl. VAT
  • 4-wheel drive vehicle: 125€ excl. VAT
  • Motorcycle: 100€ excl. VAT

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